Make your ENYAQ (KESSY) lock the doors automatically when walking away

Insights/ September 2, 2024/ General/ 0 comments

This is what you need to activate new options
Dongle Port Position
And here's the socket for the OBD dongle

You always wondered, why you paid a lot of money for the KESSY option in your ENYAQ, but the car only notices you, when you approach your car with the key in your pocket and automatically unlocks the doors?

But it can’t also automatically lock the doors when you walk away?

Like the Renault Scenic with “keyless entry” for example does at least since 2009. Or like all Tesla Models are able to do for many years as well.


Well, here’s the good news: The ENYAQ can theoretically do it as well!


For some weird reason this feature is just not enabled by default in many countries. The reason for that being probably only known by either some really incompetent product manager(s) or some corporate counsel who apparently went out of control. Them either being totally blind to market standards or worrywarts beyond what is healthy and reasonable.


According to owners of the new ENYAQ iV 85 with the software version MEB 4.0 installed, the auto-lock on walk away feature is now available and activated by default. So apparently after four years of ignorance, Skoda seems to finally have come to their senses. But if your car is still running on MEB V3.7 or older, you need to work a little to be able to actually use a feature you already paid a lot of money for.


I am just mentioning this, because whenever I complained about this missing feature in an ENYAQ forum, there were always a few people who attempted to defend this nonsense by desperately trying to dream up some worst case scenarios where the auto lock feature would cause serious danger to a passenger. Which not only always sounded extremely far-fetched, but I also knew from owning a Renault Scenic for over 10 years, that this wouldn’t be a real problem. Because in that decade our kids grew from small toddlers to full teenagers and we drove way over 100.000 km in that car and we never ever encountered an auto-lock situation that was even close to being a problem.

If you ever happen to sit inside a car that automatically locked itself, just pull the door handle to unlock it and exit the car. No problem at all!


Anyhow, you’re probably here to learn about how to activate that feature in your ENYAQ, so here we go:

1. What do you need?

First of all you need a so called OBDeleven dongle. And it needs to be the “Pro Edition”, so that you have the necessary software that can not only read and display, but also change the settings in your car (if you didn’t buy the “Pro Edition”, you can upgrade either within the app or at the OBDeleven website).


But first an important warning:

Changing any settings of your ENYAQ (or any other car) using the OBDeleven dongle can cause problems!

In a best case scenario, you can undo the changes yourself without any permanent negative consequences.

In a medium case scenario you can ask your dealer (or any other competent car repair shop) to help you fix the issue.

But in a worst case scenario you might have changed things that render the operating permit of your car invalid. Which means that if you end up in an accident and your (deliberate or inadvertent) changes can be traced as the cause for the accident, you’re probably in some serious trouble at least with your insurance if not also the authorities.

So this is an urgent warning to not just play around with the OBDeleven dongle and the car settings. Unless you know for sure what to change and why and to what setting to revert it back to, simply leave the setting alone!

Any changes you perform to your car are at your own risk and I will not accept any liability for any damages.


So with that warning out of the way, the next step is to connect the dongle to the OBD port of your ENYAQ. You can find that port to the bottom left of your steering wheel below the small compartment typically used for the charging cards.

(I am sorry, but I have no clue where the OBD port is located in cars that drive on the left side of the road. So you have to figure out the location for yourself.)

Then you need to install the OBDeleven app on your smartphone and then connect the dongle with the app via bluetooth.

Once you’ve accomplished that the app should start to download a lot of settings from your car which can take a while.


If these steps have been completed, you have to change the following settings in the OBDeleven app:

2. Which settings need to be changed for the Auto-Close (Easy Exit) feature?


I apologize for the mixture of German and English below in advance. But since I am using the app in German and since Volkswagen is a German car manufacturer, I am not sure if these OBDeleven options are even available in English at all. I have seen so many screenshots from people outside of Germany displaying also the German wording that I assume that Volkswagen might never have translated them to any other language. So to not make things worse by producing false English equivalents, I leave it up to you to find the right option in your app using Google Translate or DeepL or any other decent and free translator.


So here’s the path to the corresponding settings in OBDeleven and which options need to be changed to activate the feature:


→ Module 19 – Gateway
– Automatische_Funktionen:
Automatisches_Verriegeln_aktiv: activated
Automatik_Funktionen_Warnungen_aktiv: activated
Automatik_Funktionen_WarnungWenn_AusserhalbExitBereich_aktiv: activated
AutomatikFunktionen_WarnungWenn_VerlassenBeiHautNichtGeschlossen_aktiv: activated
AutomatikFunktionen_WarnungWennIDGeberImInnenraum_aktiv: activated


– DevCod_Nutzerkonfigurationen:
HMIMenue_Nutzer_Warnung_AutomatikFunktion_aktiv: activated
HMIMenue_Aktivierung_Nah_Mittel_Fern_aktiv: activated


– DevCod_IDGeber_Suche:
Unterdrueckung_zyklischer_Suchen_bei_entriegeltem_Fahrzeug_aktiv: not activated


After having made the necessary changes, you need to save them to the car settings. This will use up a token, which should be included in your OBDeleven Pro license.


(You can also just borrow the OBDeleven dongle from someone, because the setting changes will be permanent and you would only need the dongle again for performing other changes or for reverting the changes you just made.)

Activate walk-away autolocking - Image 01
Activate walk-away autolocking - Image 02
Activate walk-away autolocking - Image 03
Activate walk-away autolocking - Image 04


To check if everything worked, you should exit the car to power it down, unplug the dongle (I also closed the doors afterwards and locked the car just to be sure) and then after re-entering the car enter the following part of the infotainment (marked with an arrow) next.


The German word “Zentralverriegelung” means “central locking


(I hope this is close enough to the actual translation used by VW in the infotainment. Since my car displays these options in German, I can only guess what the wording is which is displayed in your car).


Central Locking


Then this new option should appear in your infotainment:


Auto lock when walking away


If this option is not already enabled then activate it by touching the option and turning the switch from white to green.

Auto lock when walking away


A few people have reported that the feature didn’t work or didn’t work reliably enough. This improved when they changed the following setting:


Detection distance


from “medium” to “low” (or maybe its called “close”? Again, I don’t know which wording VW has chosen)



Now anytime you leave your car with the key in your hand or pocket and walk away far enough from it (in my case at roughly 2 meters with the distance setting being set to medium) the car should now automatically lock.


In theory you’re now done and can enjoy this new feature and stop reading any further!


But I wouldn’t be surprised if you now would like to activate the locking sound next. So that you don’t have to turn around while walking away to check if the car really has locked itself successfully (and the mirrors have folded). Or that you get a warning sound in case the car couldn’t automatically lock because maybe one of the doors wasn’t closed fully.

(At least that was my first thought, since I was used to having the sound being played by my Renault Scenic and my Model Y even allows for a custom WAV file to be played at that occasion).


Unfortunately I have to tell you that I wasn’t able to find an OBDeleven coding that actually worked.


The closest I got was to have a new option show up in the infotainment that sounded like it should do what I was looking for. But despite also having the car alarm feature installed in my car (which some people claimed is the required hardware to get a sound) no matter which settings I activated (or deactivated) in OBDeleven and in the infotainment, no sound has ever been played when I locked the car, unlocked it or the auto-lock failed to lock it.


Nonetheless, I will post the settings that are theoretically needed (which I found in several places on the internet) down below in case you want to give it a try in your car. But again, any changes you make are at your own risk and please don’t complain if still no signal is given after you’ve activated all these settings.


I also had a few other people try in their cars and they couldn’t get it to work either.

(On the other hand if you ever get it to work in your ENYAQ, then please let me and everyone reading this know, how you did it and what type of ENYAQ you exactly have (model, equipment components, production year). Thank you very much in advance!)

3. Which settings should theoretically be changed to activate the locking sound feature?


→ Module 19 – Gateway
→ Adaptations
– ZV Quittierungen (central locking confirmations)
Akustische Quittierungsdauer Einfachhorn (acoustic confirmation single horn):
Old value: normal
New value: short


Quittungston_ueber Hupe (confirmation via horn):
Old value: not active
New value: active


I even tried to turn on various other promising sounding options, but nothing worked.


So I repeat: Don’t complain to me if this is not working for you!


I appears to me as if the ENYAQ simply isn’t capable to produce a sound in combination with door locking activity. Neither by using the horn nor by using the car theft alarm.

OBDeleven settings for confirmation sounds

4. Conclusion

I hope you were able to activate the auto-lock feature to your liking and are now enjoying what should have been available right from the factory: the car not only unlocking automatically when you approach it but also locking automatically as soon as you walk away.

Any helpful feedback in the comment is appreciated as ever. If you got it to work, please let me know. If you didn’t get it to work, please describe what you did and I will try to help you to find a solution.

And if you got the locking sound to work, then you’re my personal hero and I NEED TO KNOW HOW YOU ACHIEVED THAT! 😄

ENYAQ lädt in Spanien
Charging my ENYAQ on vacation in Spain
This is what you need to activate new options
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